Philosophy Questions and Answers asked in Competitive Exams
UGC-NET/JRF Examination of the year 2015 was held on
dated 27 December, 2015. We are giving 50 questions of the Philosophy of this
exam with answers.
Question Answers
Que:-1. Who among the following denies that perceptual
experiences can be expressed in words–
(A) Jayrasibhatta alone (B) Dharmakirti alone (C)
Mahavira alone (D) Dharmakirti and Vishvanatha (Ans : D)
Que:-2. According to which of the following schools
Abhava is perceived through Visesanata Sannikarsa ?
(A) Samkhya (B) Bauddha (C) Nyaya (D) Jaina (Ans : C)
Que:-3. If two propositions with the same subject and
predicate can both be true but cannot both be false then the relation between
them is–
(A) Contradiction (B) Contrary (C) Sub-contrary (D)
Sub-Altern (Ans : C)
Que:-4. Knowing the meaning of a 'pada' by observing
the behaviour of others is known as–
(A) Aptyavakya (B) Prasiddhapadasannidhya (C)
Vrddhavyavahara (D) Vivarana (Ans : C)
Que:-5. In case of pot, the father of the potter is
treated as–
(A) Samavayikarana (B) Asamavayikarana (C)
Anyathasiddha (D) Nimittakarana (Ans : C)
Que:-6. The 'karanata of paramanu samyoga' in the
production of dvyanuka is–
(A) Samavayikaranata (B) Asamavayikaranata (C)
Nimittakaranata (D) Samagrikaranata (Ans : B)
Que:-7. Which 'bhutadravyas' are nitya ?
(A) Akasa only (B) Marut only
(C) The Paramanus of Ksiti, Apa, Teja, Maruta only
(D) Akasa and the Paramanus of Ksiti, Apa, Teja and
Maruta (Ans : D)
Que:-8. According to whom the liberated self is a
'bhakta' ?
(A) Sankara (B) Ramanuja (C) Madhva (D) Nimbarka (Ans
: C)
Que:-9. Among the following, which one is not correct
according to Madhva?
(A) The jagat is real (B) The Brahman is Supreme
(C) Moksa consists in the realisation of the inherent
bliss of the Jiva (D) Brahman is nirguna (Ans : D)
Que:-10. Among the following which one is correct
according to Ramanuja?
(A) In essence the jiva is the same as Brahman (B)
Pratyaksa is always nirvikalpaka
(C) Prapatti is the royal road to Moksa (D) Brahman is
the seat of Avidya (Ans : C)
Que:-11. The doctrine of 'four gradations in 'Moksa'
is advocated by–
(A) Samkara (B) Ramanuja (C) Nimbarka (D) Madhva (Ans
: D)
Que:-12. 'Jivanrnukti' though desirable is logically
untenable-this view is held by–
(A) Sarnkara and Madhva (B) Ramanuja and Samkara (C)
Ramanuja and Madhva (D) Vallabha and Vachaspati (Ans : C)
Que:-13. The ultimate means to 'Moksa' according to
Sarnkara is–
(A) Karma (B) Jnana Karma Samucchaya (C) Jnana and
Jnana alone (D) All the above (Ans : C)
Que:-14. Performance of 'Karma' induces in the
'Sadhaka' the desire to have 'moksa'-this view is pro- pounded by–
(A) Prakasatman (B) Vachaspati Mishra (C) Padmapada
(D) Anandagiri (Ans : B)
Que:-15. The meaning of a word is 'Iativisista Vyakti'
is the view given by–
(A) Vishvanatha (B) Jagdisha (C) Udayanacharya (D)
Ramakrishna (Ans : B)
Que:-16. 'Samskarajanya Jnanam' refers to–
(A) Pratyaksha (B) Anumana (C) Viparyaya (D) Smrti
(Ans : D)
Que:-17. The relation between 'Kriyatva' and 'Karakatva' is known by–
(A) Akanksha (B) Yogyata (C) S. annidhi (D) Tatparya
(Ans : A)
Que:-18. Which system of Indian Philosophy holds the
view that 'Pramanya' and 'apramanya' of cognition is paratah ?
(A) Buddhism (B) Purva Mimamsa (C) Vedanta (D) Nyaya
(Ans : D)
Que:-19. According to which system of Indian
Philosophy 'Pramanya' of cognition is 'Svatah' and apramanya is paratah ?
(A) Nyaya (B) Bauddha (C) Vedanta (D) Purva-Mimamsa
(Ans : D)
Que:-20. Reality, according to Leibnitz is–
(A) Cannot be one but many and each is eternal and
real (B) Cannot be one but many and each is temporal and unreal
(C) Cannot be many but one and is eternal and real (D)
Cannot be many but one and is temporal and unreal (Ans : A)
Que:-21. Who among the following authored the work
'Gender trouble' ?
(A) Simon de Bouvour (B) Luce lrigary (C) Judith
Butler (D) Allen Showalter (Ans : C)
Que:-22. Who among the following philosophers coined
the concept 'group-differentiated rights' ?
(A) Thomas Hobbes (B) Amartya Sen (C) Will Kymlicka
(D) Mac Intyre (Ans : C)
Que:-23. Who among the following introduced the
concept of' Annadayee Shrama Siddhanta' ?
(A) Gandhi (B) Vinobabhave (C) Tilaka (D) J. B.
Kripalani (Ans : A)
Que:-24. Which one of the following statements is not
true with respect of Gandhi ?
(A) Non-violence is a law of human species (B) Means
justify the end
(C) End justify the means (D) All lands belongs to
Gopal (Ans : C)
Que:-25. Who among the following uphold 'Village
Republic' ?
(A) Tagore (B) Gandhi (C) Vivekananda (D)
Radhakrishhnan (Ans : B)
Que:-26. Which one of the following statements is true
regarding Gandhi's goal of 'Constructive Programme' ?
(A) Only providing economic relief to unemployed (B)
Only distributing some wages to spinners and weavers
(C) Only creating non-violent order of society (D) All
the above (Ans : D)
Que:-27. Which of the following is the correct pair of
prophetic religion?
(A) Jainism and Buddhism (B) Christianity and Islam
(C) Sikhism and Islam (D) Hinduism and Zoroastrianism (Ans : B)
Que:-28. Which one of the following' philosophers
believed that intuition is the essential element in Induction to process in
which thought rises from sense perception to the knowledge of Universals"
(A) Aristotle (B) Pythagoras (C) Democritus (D)
Protagoras (Ans : A)
Que:-26. Which one of the following philosophers
argued that two mutually contradictory statements might be equally true, but
one might be 'better' than the other?
(A) Aristotle (B) Protagoras (C) Parmenides (D) Democritus
(Ans : B)
Que:-30. Which one of the following statements is
false with reference to Leibnitz's theory of knowledge?
(A) All knowledge lies implicit in the mind (B)
Experience does not create knowledge
(C) Universal and necessary propositions can only be
derived from the senses
(D) Leibnitz asserts the existence of 'minute'
perceptions-perceptions of which the mind is unconscious (Ans : C)
Que:-31. The view that 'Beliefs are the most natural
and most metaphysical of all things, knowledge is the practical outgrowth of
beliefs and beliefs modify and shape reality' is held by which one of the
following philosophers?
(A) John Dewey (B) Kant (C) Descartes (D) Aristotle
(Ans : A)
Que:-32. 'The political laws are the highest court of
appeal in the matters of morality'. Which one of the following' persons hold
this view?
(A) Spencer (B) Mill (C) Kant (D) Hobbes (Ans : D)
Que:-33. Which one of the following theory holds the
view : 'Eye for an eye' ?
(A) Preventive theory (B) Reformative theory (C) Retributive theory (D) All the above (Ans : C)
Que:-34. Who among the following has said that
"pleasure if ever good must be good in a different sense from that in
which good activities are so" ?
(A) Moore (B) Ross (C) Ayer (D) Hare (Ans : B)
Que:-35. Who among the following has said that'
Autonomy is the basis of the dignity of human and of even rational beings' ?
(A) Hobbes (B) Kant (C) Stevenson (D) Bentham (Ans :
Que:-36. Who among the following has given this
statement? 'Act only on the maxim which thou canst at the same time will to
become a universal law. '
(A) Kant (B) Hegel (C) Hobbes (D) Mill (Ans : A)
Que:-37. Two statements are said to be logically
equivalent in which one of the following cases?
(A) Their biconditional is tautologous (B) Their
biconditional is contradictory
(C) Their biconditional is contingent (D) Both have
the same truth value (Ans : A)
Que:-38. The obversion of the proposition 'All leaves
are green' is–
(A) No non-leaves are non-green (B) All leaves are
(C) Some leaves are non-green (D) No leaves are
non-green (Ans : D)
Que:-39. The common and essential teaching of all
religions is–
(A) Morality is the cream of life (B) Upgradation of
social values
(C) Establishment of manava dharma of mutual love and
respect (D) All the above (Ans : D)
Que:-40. Strawson explains in his book 'Logical
Theory' that the 'formal systems' are useful in appraising one of the
(A) 'Context-free' discourse (B) 'Context-bound'
discourse (C) 'Context-neutral' discourse (D) All the above (Ans : A)
Que:-41. In Investigations Wittgenstein holds the
theory of meaning known as–
(A) Picture theory of meaning (B) Use theory of
(C) Language-game theory of meaning (D) Speech act
theory of meaning (Ans : B)
Que:-42. "Language is our second nature; it is
through language that the world is opened up for us" is the philosophical
position of which one of the following Hermeneutic thinkers ?"
(A) Schleiermacher (B) Dilthey (C) Gadamer (D)
Heidegger (Ans : C)
Que:-43. 'Ontological turn' is Hermeneutics is
contributed by which one of the following philosophers ?
(A) Martin Heidegger (B) Ricoeur (C) Derrida (D)
Habermas (Ans : A)
Que:-44. Which one of the following Hermeneutic
thinkers attempted to reconcile ontological hermeneutics with critical
(A) Gadamer (B) Derrida (C) Ricoeur (D) Habermas (Ans
: C)
Que:-45. The phenomenological analysis of
'consciousness of' has two sides as : (i) noematic and (ii) noetic. Choose the
correct option from the given below regarding their relationship–
(A) Separable (B) Non-separable (C) Inseparable (D)
Conjoined (Ans : C)
Que:-46. The goal of the study of Comparative
Religions is the need to–
(A) Understand inter-religious dialogues (B)
Understand commonality and differences amongst religions
(C) To get at the core and harmony of plurality of
religions (D) All the above (Ans : D)
Que:-47. "Pratyaksam Kalpanapodam
namajatyadyasamyutam". This definition of 'Pratyaksa' was upheld by–
(A) Dharmakirti (B) Dharmottara (C) Vatsyayana (D)
Dinnaga (Ans : D)
Que:-48. 'Jnanakaranakam Jnanam Pratyaksam. ' This
definition of 'Pratyaksha' was formulated first by–
(A) Dinnaga (B) Gautama (C) Gangesa (D) Vachaspati
Mishra (Ans : C)
Que:-49. Which one of the following" philosophers
has said that' each one for himself to each one for others no road' ?
(A) Mill (B) Bentham (C) Kant (D) Martineau (Ans : D)
Que:-50. Which one of the following provides the
metaphysical ground of morality ?
(A) Cordinal virtue (B) Freedom and Responsibility (C)
Immortality of soul (D) Growth of character (Ans : C)
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